Tag Archives: Security

Develop Secure Codes and Service with Github Advanced Security

Back to Nov, 2020, I got the chance to evaluate Github Code Scanning, mainly CodeQL, as part of our effort to improve the security posture of our source code right after Github announced Code scanning became available in Sep 2020. I selected 4 different services written with Java, Python, C++ and JavaScript respectively and ran CodeQL scanning against them. Though there were some great advantages when it comes to ease of use and collaboration, the overall CodeQL code scanning results were average compared to other traditional commercial SAST tools. The result was not good enough for our team to replace the existing SAST tools.

Recently, our team started to assess Github Advance Security (GHAS) again to understand whether we could use Github Advanced Security Feature as a unified platform to secure our source code by evaluating the three main features Code Scanning, Secret Scanning and Dependency vulnerability in the GHAS. The overall evaluation totally surpassed my expectation as I saw a significant improvement of Github Advanced Security features by comparing with the results of evaluation conducted one and half years ago. 

In this post, I would like to share and highlight  some valuable findings and features the GHAS surprised me with and how they could help your organization to secure its codes and build secure services.

How did we start the re-evaluation?

Before we got involved with Github Advanced Security, we were clear that what we really wanted was a unified platform that could perform code scanning (SAST), secret detection,  software composition analysis (3rd party dependency vulnerability) and it should be easily integrated into our current CI pipelines.

With the previous evaluation and experience with Github Code Scanning, we figured out that GHAS could be a one stop solution to meet all the requirements. However, due to the previous evaluation, I was really concerned about the Code Scanning performance before we started evaluation. Well, it turns out that the concern was over worried.

In order to conduct a thorough evaluation, we selected 15 services/repo to cover all languages supported by Github to evaluate the GHAS , diagnose the findings and compare them with the existing tools that we have deployed. 

How did GHAS outperform others 

With the completion of the GHAS evaluation, the following are some highlights we think that the GHAS are outperforming others tools.

1.Code Scanning: Excellent Auto Build with Flexible Configuration

Nevertheless to say, Code scanning is a resource consuming task. Some of the repos that I am evaluating are monolithic repos, so building and scanning them are time and resource consuming. When scanning one of this monolithic repo with a popular open source tool we were evaluating, my personal laptop got completely frozen after running the scan for 10 minutes as the scanning task was consuming more than 9G memories. 

However, with Github Code Scanning (we only enabled CodeQL scanning by default), we found that this is not an issue because it provides an excellent auto build and scanning process in Github-hosted runners deployed in the Github network. 

If you could use Github-hosted runner to build and scan the service, you don’t have to bother your IT team to set up a self-hosted runner either with your own laptop or a remote server in your network. We were able to use the Github-hosted runner to build and launch the scan against 14 repos out of 15 selected. That means more than 93% percent of the scans could be completed with Github-hosted runners. That is a significant advantage as a high successful rate of using Github-Hosted runners means less resources required from our  organization to build and maintain a self-hosted server to run the scans.

  • Flexible Configuration to add manual build commands 

Some of the codes in the select repos have a non-standard build process. We could NOT simply run the default  maven build or cmake commands provided by the Auto-Build function. Under this situation, the flexibility to add the manual build commands is really necessary and powerful to ensure a successful build process . For example, we were able to build our Java service by adding some customized configuration for the maven setting with the help of defining manual build commands in the yaml configuration file.

  • Github Secret to keep your build information safe

As mentioned above, we have to set up some environment variables in the build process.  These environment variables are very sensitive and they should not be  exposed in the CodeQL yaml configuration files directly. The Github secrets function lets us hide the sensitive secrets in the yaml configuration file.

2. Code Scanning: Less False Positive with high true positive rate

One of the biggest challenges in SAST tool/Code scanning is that it likely yields  a high number of False Positives, which costs tons of time and effort for the engineering team to validate these false findings. The main reason for the high number of false positives is that static code analysis is largely based on assumptions and modeling methods after it builds the call stack (from source to sink), which is different from the DAST tool where the test payloads are actually executed by application codes.

As weeding out false positives is time and resource intensive,  low False Positive rate and high true positive rate are the key factors for the entire evaluation.  During the evaluation, we went through all the critical, high, medium vulnerabilities reported byCodeQL. Here are some key findings

  • Less False Positives than we expected

For the projects writing in Java, C++ and C#, the false positives are really low. The best one is with the Java languages, we saw a false positive rate at 0% with 2 valid findings. We double check it with another popular open source tool, the performance is equivalent where 2 valid findings were reported. Overall, for the compiled languages, most of the SAST tools we compared have a low false positive rate.  

CodeQL stands out when it comes to the Script languages, for example, JavaScript and Ruby. In general, Github CodeQL has less False Positive rate reported in scripting language. For example, CodeQL has false positive rates at 44% compared to 62% false positives rates when scanning a repo written in script language.

  • Relatively high True Positive rates

A good false positive rate does not guarantee the tool is a good one. A SAST tool could produce a 0% false positive rate with zero vulnerability detection. When analyzing the CodeQL scanning results, we calculated that the True Positive detection rate is higher compared to other tools for most of the repos. For example, CodeQL scan reported 25 valid findings against 22  in one repo, and 5 versus 3 findings in another repo when comparing the results generated from one popular SAST tool.

Note: Some reported vulnerabilities are vulnerable but not really exploitable or reachable, under these scenarios, most of these types of vulnerabilities are categorized as  False Positives. 

3. Code Scanning: some vulnerability detections are intelligent

Most of the Code analysis SAST tools are using a set of rules to detect potential vulnerability when scanning the code.  Github CodeQL is NOT an exception. It is utilizing a set of predefined rules to detect the vulnerabilities.  Due to that, many security engineers and developers thinks SAST is just a dumb tool to perform a matching between the code and the rule set in order to detect a vulnerability. That argument is kind of true to a large extent.

However, we found that some vulnerability reported by CodeQL seems to be intelligent and these detections were only reported by CodeQL scanning. Here are a couple of examples based on some real detection we found

  • Inefficient regular expression detection

This detection is to check whether your regex pattern is potentially vulnerable to ReDOS attack.  For example, CodeQL is reporting the Inefficient regular expression  vulnerability against the following code in an open source library.

This is a true security issue, which has been ignored by other tools. An attacker could dramatically slow down the performance of a server with  a malicious string less than 100 characters. You could find a detailed post in another post.

  • Incomplete URL substring sanitization detection

Here is an example where Incomplete URL substring sanitization vulnerability is detected 

These detection looks simple but also intelligent from my perspective. There are many more other smart detections we found with CodeQL, I chose these two on purpose because I found these kinds of vulnerabilities are prevailing in many public Github repos when performing a brief code scanning against a tiny portion of open source repos.

4. Code Scanning: Easy to track the origin of the vulnerable code

This unique advantage makes the entire triaging process much easier and quicker as we could simply use the git blame function to track down which engineers committed the vulnerable code, what the vulnerable codes are supposed to accomplish and the corresponding Jira ticket to these changes.

After collecting all the related information of the vulnerable findings, we could tell the potential impact of the vulnerability, the potential remediation method and how quickly we could fix it. 

5. Code Scanning: multiple languages support in one scan 

Coverage is another factor when evaluating a code analysis SAST tool. Many SAST tools ask you to predefine the language before running the scans as it could only scan one language at a time. Whereas, CodeQL allows you to specify multiple languages and scan them in one scan without requiring some predefined settings.

Even for compiled languages, you could specify multiple builds for different languages in one scan. It is a really useful feature if you have some monolithic repos written with different languages and you want to cover all the code in the repo.

6. Secret Scanning: a powerful feature worthy a try

Secret Scanning is another feature we evaluate partly and we think it is a feature worthy of mention as there are some unique and true values when using it properly.

  • Scan your entire Git history on all presented branches

Github Secret scanning will scan your entire Git history on all branches present in your Github repos to find potential secrets exposed in your code bases. That is a huge difference compared with other tools, where the scan is performed against the main remote branch or local branch when scan is performed locally

  • Empower users to define its own secret patterns

If your secrets or token could not be detected by the Github defaults patterns. You could define custom patterns to identify secrets. 

  • Block Push containing suspected secrets.

Some developers might accidently add secrets into the code when pushing the changes to the remote branch. This could be prevented by enabling push protection, which allows Github to reject the push when the secret scanning finds any suspected secrets.  

7. Code Scanning: clear-text logging of sensitive data detection, a hidden gem 

Insecure logging could cause a security breach or incident in many cases. I  shared some thoughts in one of my blog posts. When analyzing all the code scanning results, It was refreshing to realize  that CodeQL has a detection function to check whether sensitive data is added into log files. 

I believe this detection has great values which are mostly underestimated by many SAST tools. From my experience as a security engineer and a penetration test, I found it is so common for engineers to add sensitive data into the log file for debug purposes, but they eventually forget to remove it before the changs deployed into production. As a consequence, they are collecting some sensitive data from customers by accident.  

With the help of this detection method, many logging issues could be detected before the code is pushed into a production environment.

Limitations in Github Advanced Security (GHAS)

Definitely, I could list more bright sides of how CodeQL is outperforming other tools. But I think it is important to remind people that GHAS, as a newly emerged and growing security tool, has some limitations as many other security tools do.

Here are some limitations that we could summarize from our evaluation.

Limitation 1: Insufficient disk space in Github-hosted runner to build large projects

We were able to use Github-hosted runner to build 14 services out of 15 select repositories. We had issues building one large project using Github-hosted runner as the build was hitting `not enough space on the disk` error all the time no matter how we customize the build commands.   After some analysis, we found the disk space allocated for the Github-hosted runner is really limited for the Windows runners. 

Suggestion: At this moment, there are two types of windows runner supported by Github, windows-2022 and windows-2019. If the Github team could assign specific roles for these two types of windows runner, it might be helpful to resolve the issue. For example, window-2022 should ONLY be used to build Dotnet projects with only Dotnet environment setup in this VM, whereas,window-2019 could be used for other types of build environments. 

Limitation 2: Certain frameworks are not supported in CodeQ

Though the code analysis tool CodeQL supports a large range of frameworks, certain frameworks are not well supported at the moment of the evaluation. For example, Ruby on Rails framework was not supported currently in the CodeQL and we saw some false negatives due to the lack of support for this framework. 

Limitation 3: Some False Positives could be filtered out

Some vulnerabilities reported by CodeQL are vulnerable, but the vulnerable piece of code will not be executed in any case because there are multiple validation or whitelisting methods applied before a user supplied input value to reach the vulnerable code. I believe this kind of filtering could be filtered out by tuning the detection method.

Limitation 4:  Current dependency vulnerability detection is too loose

In my opinion, the software composition analysis (3rd party dependency vulnerability) feature in GHAS is too loose because it mainly scans the package management files, like, pom.xml, package.json files to 1)extract the package name and version. 2)Identify the vulnerability based on the version number.  It means, Github Dependabot  will flag a vulnerability in your code even if you are not calling the vulnerable functions in the vulnerable dependency library.

It seems that the Github team is implementing some changes to check whether your codes are actually calling the vulnerable function rather than based on version number. Once this is fully rolled out, I believe that it will bring the dependency vulnerability detection to a totally new level.


Though Github Advance Security is a relatively new player in the security market, I could say that the code analysis tool CodeQL could compete with any other SAST tools in the market that I have evaluated so far.  With two separate evaluation experiences against GHAS, I observed such a huge improvement of scanning quality and new features adopted in it just in one and half years. That really surprises me and makes me believe the GHAS will be adopted by more and more organizations with the quality of detection and the speed or renovation in the tools.

Github Advance Security (GHAS) is not a silver bullet to catch all the issues by scanning in the code base as it has its own limitations, but this tool is clearly the best of the SAST tools that I have evaluated.

ReDOS, it could be the cause of your next security incident

Regardless of which positions you are fulfilling in the development lifecycle in your organization, regular expressions are useful tools to make your work more efficient. While writing a basic regex itself might not be very hard, defining a robust and secure one could be a real challenge. 

You may start to ponder that I remembered that some security incidents were caused by an insufficient regex pattern where a malicious user input was NOT blocked or detected by the regex. You are right in that perspective and this is a very common scenarios of poor regex leading to a security incident. But in this article, I would like to talk about the danger of poorly designed regexes from a different perspective, ReDOS, which is an overlooked security issue by many developers and  security engineers in my opinion.

ReDOS, an overlooked security risk

Before we start the exploration of ReDOS, we need to understand two basic things 1) Regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in text, which are commonly used by string-searching algorithms 2) when the regex matching (string searching) is performed, the behind scene algorithm is using a so called backtracking algorithm, where it is a brute forcing method to find a solution/path in a context that will match with the regex, it means there could be an infinite loop when a regex matching is performed behind the scene.  That is the root cause of the DOS caused by regular expression, ReDOS, for short.

Though the severity of ReDOS could be critical as it could paralyze your web server just with a single malformed string, this vulnerability is always overlooked by many security engineers because 1)they are not able to identify a regex with potential ReDOS vulnerability 2) ignore or underestimate the risk of it 3)not able to craft a malicious string to demonstrate the exploitation of this vulnerabilities.  As a security engineer, I was trying to downplay the severity of the ReDOS vulnerability as well as I was not persuaded to believe one single string would be able to totally freeze a web server.  I started to change my mind after I was able to  exploit a ReDOS vulnerability imposed by an inefficient regex with an elaborate string. During the exploitation, the elaborate string consumed 100% CPU of the server when a regex match is performed between the string (payload) and regex

How did I start?

When I was performing a static code analysis against a piece of code with some help of a SAST tool, a vulnerability was flagged against the following regex and it states the following piece of regex could lead to ReDOS attack.  (Note: The regex was modified and changed to make the POC easier to follow)

var regex = /\A([\sa-z!#]|\w#\w|[\s\w]+\”)*\z/g

After reviewing the regex, I started to craft a string by using an online tool https://regex101.com/ to match the regex. It did not take me long to find out that the regex101 is reporting Catastrophic backtracking  error when evaluating the following string.

That error message clearly shows the regex has a flaw in it. I was then using the Debugger functions provided by Regex101 to validate how the backtrack steps are created. After running the debugger,  it indicated that there are some group repetitions in the regex, which makes the backtracking into an endless loop.

After figuring out a possible ReDOS vulnerability could be exploited, I created the following POC codes and ran it on a free tier AWS EC2  t2.micro instance (1G RAM).

The CPU usage of the EC2 instance hiked to 100% after the length of the test payload reached 99 characters after running the POC code, which really surprised me. 

The above POC definitely changed my understanding of the ReDOS vulnerability as the impact could be catastrophic. You might start to ask yourself about how to spot this kind of vulnerability in your code and eliminate it before it gets exploited.

Identify DeROS vulnerabilities in you codes 

It is relatively complicated to justify whether your regex is vulnerable to ReDOS. However, there are a couple of approaches that could make it a little bit easier for you.

Use some patterns to evaluate your Regex

Suggested by OWASP, there are so called pattern to identify evil regex 

  • Grouping with repetition
  • Inside the repeated group:
    • Repetition
    • Alternation with overlapping

When you find a regex with repetition patterns, for example, + character is used in your regex, you should start to pay some attention to the regex as it contains repetition patterns.

Use some automation tool

There are also some automation tools that you might be able to use, for example,  rxxr2 and  ReScue are some open source tools you could use neatly. If you have your source code hosted in Github and have Github Advance Security  enabled,  you could scan your code with CodeQL and the vulnerable regex could be flagged as well though you still need to verify it manually.


Composing an efficient and robust regex is hard and to spot a regex vulnerable to ReDOS is not easier either. This article just attempts to explore the basic problems of ReDOS and how to identify and exploit it with the help of some tools by providing a concrete example.

As stated in the before ahead, most developers, even the security engineers  are not  really aware of the potential risks of an efficient regex. The best way to avoid the ReDOS risk caused by an inefficient regex is to inform your developers and security engineers about the danger of the ReDOS and perform a thorough code review and testing when a regex has to be used in your code. 

Insecure logging could be a burden to your security team

If you are part of a security team, it is very likely that your team has been feverishly remediating the vulnerabilities caused by log4j in the past two months.  It is really frustrating and struggling as the potential damage of this vulnerability could be catastrophic if exploited. However, the slimy bright side of it , at least, means that  your developer team is trying to implement logging functions in the product for monitoring or debugging purposes.

However, logging itself sometimes could be another security issue that is often overlooked as many developers are treating logging as an internal debugging and monitoring functions where security enforcement is often missing. I have observed many cases where improper logging functions turn out to be security incidents and add many burdens to its security team to overturn the damage.

Apply logging functions with security controls

Before we dive deep into the details, let us look at the following  piece of code from an old internal project that I created a while back. If you are using NodeJs Express framework, you could pinpoint that this piece of code is acting as a middleware to log every single HTTP request with the request body into a log file

The above piece of code definitely composes  security issues if you start to review it from security perspective. First of all, sensitive information in the HTTP request could be added to logs files and it could potentially cause a data leakage if the logs files are accessed by unauthorized users. The internal project is a web application with a login and registration function. As consequence of the above logging functions, the registration verification token and the username and password in the HTTP requestes could be leaked into the log files.

Potential Risks Caused by Logging

Risk 1: Sensitive Data are logged in log files

Logging sensitive data without proper masking or filtering methods is a common security ignorance from startup to enterprise due to many reasons. Couple of years back, twitter sent out an announcement for its users and urged them to change passwords due to unmasked/unfiltered passwords being logged into an internal log file.  

Reason 1: Security is not baked into entire SDLC

Many development organizations are involved their security teams at the test phase of the software/service development cycles. Without consulting the security team at design and development phase, many developers are not aware which data should be masked or filtered before implementing the log functions.

One tricky and representative example  that I have experienced was that the development teams got a list of blacklist data entries, like IP, password and token by referring to a document created from the security team a while back. They applied the filtering method into the log function without consulting with the Security team. However, the ‘referer’ header containing sensitive API tokens from customers was logged into the log files as it was not included in the predefined black list. This implementation mistake was discovered after the feature has been shipped into production environment and it took a while to purge the sensitive data from the log systems.

Reason 2:  Lack of standard logging functions in a complex environment

With more and more companies adopting the micro service architecture and making the development environment complex, lack of standard log functions could be another reason where sensitive data is logged and exposed into log files.

The following diagram is a typical workflow of micro service architecture, where the API gateway is exposed to the public to handle API requests and many micro servers are deployed in its private VPC to process the API requests.  Some developers are probably aware that sensitive data must be filtered out at the API gateway level before sending it to the S3 log system. However, when the requests passed are handled in the internal micro service (for example, micro service B), the developers might forget to perform the filtering as they believe the service is residing in the internal VPC and there is no need to filter sensitive data before writing to the log files. As a result of that, potential sensitive data could be logged in to the log file by some internal micro services.

Reason 3: Insufficient QA and Security Testing

It is common some QA are only performing blackbox testing whereas Security Team are only employing some automation scanning tools to scan the applications to find the potential flaw in the codes. Then it is very difficult for the QA team and security team to figure out the security issues caused by logging without manual code reviewing.

Risk 2: Malicious Data are process and logged without validation

Another risk when implementing logging functions and writing data to log is that maliciou data is processed and executed without any validation. You might be curious about why I should perform certain validation when processing the log data and storing it in a log file as the entire purpose of logging is to capture the raw data and use it for analysis. 

The reason is that you might be at risk of Deserialization exploitation when validation is absent from your logging functions. I have seen many developers dumping the entire object into the log file in some cases. When this happens, they are very likely to use some serialization functions to serialize the object and write it to the log file. After that, they may deserialize the logged data for analyzing purposes.  In this case, it is possible that you are at risk of deserialization exploitation.

Take the Log4j as an example, except the Log4jShell vulnerability, it has been suffering from a couple of deserialization vulnerabilities where untrusted log data could lead to remote code execuations.  

Some Best Practices

To ensure your logging function is not becoming a burden for your security and even turned against you when it leads to a security incident. Some best practices could be followed.

Involve Security at every phase of SDLC when implement log function

Security applies at every phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). If you don’t have a security review procedure set up in your organization,  it is time for you to define it now.  By designing  a secure log function or log management feature by collaborating with your security team would save your organization much more time and effort. For example, the security team might ask you to avoid using GET instead of POST if your logging function is going to log all the requests in the log. They could also ask you to mask certain sensitive data as soon as the data is processed before it gets logged in to the log files.

Implement a standard and centralized logging function

When the organization is getting larger and larger, your platform and service is getting more sophisticated. Without a standard or centralized logging function, each team is forced to choose its own way to implement logging functions in the service they are in charge of. This could add many security uncertainties in the log functions as you could not foreseen how the logging function is implemented 

Consistent monitoring and scan your log data

Sometimes, unexpected data could still be logged into the log file even though you have set up strict logging functions to mask or filter all the sensitive data.  For example, your clients might not follow your API usage guidance and send sensitive data when calling your API endpoints. Your log function might log these sensitive data into the log files as the usage of the API is not intended as it was designed.  Under this case, you need to have a monitoring tool to scan your log data to check whether there is unexpected sensitive data logging into the log files.

Understand that data you are logging

If you could not measure it, you could not manage it”. It also applies to security. If you don’t know which kind of data you are logging, you could not really secure it. For example, if you are going to dump an entire object into your log file by calling some serialization functions without validation the object data, you are likely to log some malicious data and could lead to an exploitation. 

Security checklists when implementing your API  Keys

When building modern API endpoints for your customers,  how to keep API keys secure is likely to be the most crucial question to ask at the initial phase of designing your APIs. Though there is no silver bullet for this question as you need to consider the nature, usage and requirement for your API endpoints, there are still some checklists you could refer to help you to avoid or reduce the potential security risks. 

Taken from https://www.cyberark.com/resources/

Checklist 1: Identify the usage of your API Keys

Before you could implement your API keys in a secure way, it is vital to figure out how your API Keys are going to be used by your clients. Is your API key just an identification string for your server to identify and log the API activity for an App. Or the API key is used for authentication purposes.  Based on the usage for the API keys, different security concerns and the corresponding controls should be evaluated.

API keys are mostly used for App (mobile App, or web application) Identification, Application authentication. In some scenarios it could also be used for user authentication (though it should be called access token rather than API keys in most of these scenarios, to be precise). 

API Key Application Identification

API Keys are typically used to identify the application that is making a call to this API. In this scenario,  it is very likely this API Key will be left in your application and they are pretty easy for any users to spot and extract these kind of API keys. 

Take the widely used Google Analytics API for example, just open some major websites using google analytics tool, you should be able to spot the Google API Key in the source code very easily. Below is a screenshot of an application using Google API Key

As API Keys for application identification are just used for App identification purpose,  these keys will be a) residing in the applications and it should b) not bear permissions to perform any sensitive operations.  Due to these nature of this kind of API keys,  we need check how we could make the API Keys hard to extract from you application and ensure restriction is implemented for this API Keys. Details would be expanded under Checklist 3.

API Key for Application Authentication

API keys could be used for project authentication as well.  When a request with this API key reaches the backend. The backend will check whether the calling application has been granted access to call the API and has enabled the API in this project.  

As opposed to the API for project identification, this kind of  API key is not publicly accessible. Only limited users under this project have access to this API key and then use this API key to perform some sensitive operation with the API .  One typical use case is that, this kind of API key could only be retrieved after a user passes the authentication check (for example, the API could be generated under the dashboard after an authenticated user logs in).  

Since these API keys are bearing authentication characters and could be used to perform sensitive operation,  it is important to understand 1) how this kind of API keys could be accessed, are there any protection implemented 2) Is correct permission is granted to these API keys? Details and some real use cases will be explained in the following section.

API key for user authentication

In some scenarios, the API key can also authenticate users -verifying the person making the call is actually the person they claim to be. Different from API key for App authentication, each user is granted with an API key for a more granular access control rather than an identical API key for the entire App.  We will not unfold the security concerns for this kind of API Key (authentication token) because it is kind of totally a new different story. 

For the API keys used for App identification, we could not really control WHO could access this kind of API key, but just to make it harder for unauthorized users to extract and access it as this kind of API keys has to be part of your App.

Checklist 2: Check who could access the API keys for App authentication

However, for API Keys for app authentication, these API keys are not supposed to be publicly accessible. We could control who could access these API keys. That is exactly the common security risks that I observed when performing penetration testing, missing correct access control to restrict who could access the API Keys. I will use

For example, a project has a group of users with different roles, such as admin, coordinator, team users and only the admin users are supposed to extract and access  the API key for this project. However, in many cases, a user under the App with no permission to access the API keys is still granted permission to access the API Keys due to lack of correct access control or mis-configuration. The following two use cases are real use cases that I found and reported under two private Bug bounty program.

Real Use Case 1 – Lack of Access control:  Under a project hosted under https://vulnerable-example1.com/dashboard,  API Key for this project could be extracted under  https://vulnerable-example1.com/dashboard/configuriation after admin user logs in. However, for a normal user under this project log in, this page https://vulnerable-example1.com/dashboard/configuriation is not rendered with the API key. That seems correct, however, the application is only performing a front end validation to disable the rendering of the API Keys when the logged in user is not Admin. The API key is could be still extract by making a backend request https://example.com/configuration/api/getAPIkey with the session cookie of the normal user if the normal user knows the request URL to extract the API key

Real Use Case 2 – Misconfiguration:  API Key is leaked to users with less privilege under different subdomains due to misconfiguration. For example, a service provider has two subdomains, https://dashboard.vulnerable-example2.com/ and https://document.vulnerable-example2.com/. An admin user logs in to the dashboard under https://dashboard.vulnerable-example2.com/ and could extract the API keys under https://dashboard.vulnerable-example2.com/dashboard/configuriation . To give a better user experience, the API token will also be rendered under https://document.vulnerable-example2.com/howtouseAPI (which is a different domain) after the user logs in. Now, a user without admin privilege logs in to the dashboard, he is not able to get the API token even though he bypassed the front end restriction. However, when the user navigates to the another domain https://document.vulnerable-example2.com/howtouseAPI, the API key is rendered because the backend for this document.vulneable-example2.com just check which APP this user belongs to and render the API key under the page as long as the user belongs to this App.

Both use cases are discovered in two private bounty programs and fixed after reporting them.

Checklist 3:  Deploy methods to reduce the attacking surface for API Keys for App Identification

For API keys residing in the APP,  it is not a matter of if the API keys could be stolen or accessed by a potential malicious user, but how much effort to steal it is worth the return, regardless of your efforts to hide it. However, there are still some ways to reduce the potential attacking surface.

Make it harder for un-authorized user to extract the API Keys from your App

We could not really remove the API Keys from our app completely, otherwise the App will not be able to make API calls to the API endpoints. We could reduce the risk by making it harder for unauthorized user to extract it from our App. Under this security blog post, the user listed several ways to improve the API Key security by

  • using hash-based message for each HTTP request to avoid setting API Keys in the HTTP requests
  • Hide the API Keys in the source code by using Code obfuscation
  • Not store API Keys on the device storage.

Apply API Key Restriction

When using API Keys for APP Identification, it is assumed that these API Keys are ONLY used as an identifier when performing any API calls, it should not be granted permissions to operate some sensitive data. However, that is another common API Keys implemented we observed. For example, some APIs provided by analytics software, it is told the API Keys are just used for identification purpose when sending API requests to the API endpoints, no sensitive operation or malicious API requests could be performed with this API Key even though a malicious user steal the API Keys, it turns out, the API Key could be used to change the App configuration and setting.

To ensure the API Keys are implemented correctly, the developers should restrict the API Keys usage and permissions especially when the API Keys are intended to be used as identifier, not for app authentication.


API Keys are generally not considered secure and they are typically accessible to the clients, which makes it easy for someone to steal an API Key. Since API Keys could be implemented and used in different purpose, you’ll need to consider a variety of factors during the implementation. The above checklist is just the beginning to help you to avoid some common API Key security risks, there are more best practices you could find in the security field.

Using JWT? You need avoid these implementation mistakes

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWT are widely used in authentication, authorization and information exchange. Among these use cases, the most common scenario for using JWT is for authorization purpose. Once a user is logged in, each subsequent request will include the JWT, allowing the user to access routes, services, and resources that are permitted with that token. You may start to ask why not using Session token. One reason is that the JWT is stateless compared with Session tokens, it means that the server side does not have to store the JWT in a centralized DB to perform the validation when a clients sends a request to the server, whereas, the server has to store the session cookies for validation purpose.

To understand the common implementation mistakes of JWT, we need first figure out the structure of the JWT token as most the implementation errors are caused by misunderstanding the structure of JWT token and how each component of JWT are used for.

Structure of JWT Token

A well-formed JWT consists of three concatenated Base64url-encoded strings, separated by dots (.):

  • Header : contains metadata about the type of token and the cryptographic algorithms used to secure its contents. For example
  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT", 
  "kid": "path/value" //optional
  • Payload : contains verifiable security statements, such as the identity of the user and the permissions they are allowed. An example of the payload could be
  "username": "test@example.com",
  "id": "new user"
  • Signature : it is used to validate that the token is trustworthy and has not been tampered with. When you use a JWT. Signature is piece of encrypted data of the Header and Payload date by using certain encryption method (such as HMAC,SHA256) with a secret which should be residing on a server side.
  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

After putting all them together, a JWT looks like

Common Implementation Error

JWT itself is considered as secure method. Most of the security issues discovered against JWT are caused by implementation mistakes.

Leak the secret key

JWT is created with a secret key and that secret key is private to you which means you will never reveal that to the public or inject inside the JWT token. However, sometimes, the developers could mistakenly leak the signing secret to public. For example, the JWT signing secret is stored on a client side javascript functions or stored on a public accessible files. As a consequence, an attacker could bypass the signature verification easily as the attacker could sign any payloads with the secret to put the server side signature validation in vain. Here is one example listed under Hackerone where the developers are adding hardcoded secret in the client side javascript file.

Using Predictable secret key

It is also possible that the developers are copying a piece of code from a sample code base when implementing the JWT on the server side or they are using a simple word (not randomly generated complex string) as the secret value when implementing the JWT on the server side . A brute force attack could easily extract the secret key as the attacker knows the algorithm, the payload with the original information and the resulting signature of the encrypted payload and header. One example listed under Hackerone shows how a developer is using the ‘secret’ as the secret when implementing the JWT on the server side.

Broken JWT Validation

There are numerous way how the JWT validation could be broken during insecure implementation. Here are some typical examples where a broken JWT validation could happen.

  • Not Validate Signature at all. Some developers implement the JWT validation in a wrong way, where they only decode the JWT payload part without validating the signature part before accepting the JWT as a valid token.
  • Not Validate the JWT correctly if None alg is provided. An attacker could or creates a token by setting alg (the signing algorithm) to None in the header. If the server side is NOT validating whether the None alg was really implemented when the JWT was generated. As a consequence, any JWT provided by the attacker with a None value to the alg will be treated as a valid token. To prevent this, the server side should check whether the alg value is the one when the JWT token is generated. If not, the JWT should be treated as an invalid.
  • Not Validate the JWT correctly when alg is changed to HS256 from RS256. HS256 is a symmetric encryption method, the server side is using the same key to generate and validate the JWT. Whereas, RS256 is an asymmetric encryption method, the JWT payload was signed with its private key and validated with the public key, which is known to the public. Now An attacker creates the token by setting the signing algorithm to a symmetric HS256 instead of an asymmetric RS256, leading the API to blindly verify the token using the HS256 algorithm using the public key as a secret key. Since the RSA public key is known, the attacker can correctly forge valid JWTs and bypass the validation method.

Lack of kid header parameter validation

The kid (key ID) Header Parameter is a hint indicating which key was used to secure the JWS. This parameter allows originators to explicitly signal a change of key to recipients. With the key identifier, the consumer of a JWT can retrieve the proper cryptographic key to verify the signature. This simple mechanism works well when both the issuer and consumer have access to the same cryptographic key store.

Since the attacker can modify the kid header parameter, attacker can supply any values in there when it is sent to the sever. If the server is not validating or sanitizing the kid value correctly, it could lead to severe damage.

For example, the kid value in the JWT header is specifying the location of the JWT secret to sign the JWT payload

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT", 
  "kid": "http://localhost:3000/vault/privKey.key"

For example, the kid value in the JWT header is specifying the location of the JWT secret to sign the JWT payload

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT", 
  "kid": "http://evil.com/privKey.key" //Private key supplied by the attacker

Now, if the attacker is providing his own private key to the kid parameter and adjust the JWT token, he would be able to generate any valid JWT token.

Other wrong implementation

The above implementation mistakes could lead to very severe security issues, for example, account hijacking and authentication bypass. There are some other implementation bad practice should be avoid when using JWT token.

  • Use JWT token as session cookie. Some applications are using JWT token as a session cookie and it could cause havoc. Let’s say you have a token and you revoke it due to a user logout or any other action, you could not really invalidate the token before its expiration has been reached unless you keep a DB to store these tokens and build a revocation list, which is not the intention of using a stateless JWT.
  • Leak the JWT in referrer header. It is common that a developer attaches the JWT in a URL, for example, user registering and password reset service, and the HTML page of the URL are loading some 3rd party web pages. As a consequence, the JWT could be leaked to 3rd party web pages via referer header if noreferrer is not probably deployed in the web application.


JWT are adopted by more and more applications over the web. If used correctly,  it could help you to build a robust and agile authentication, authorization and information key functions.However, if misused or implemented incorrectly, this technology may put entire systems at risk. This JWT Security Cheat Sheet provides an overview of all these best practices when using JWT in your applications.