What is behind the NPM malicious packages?

An analysis of 100 malicious NPM packages 


The practice of attackers publishing malicious NPM packages to the npm registry for the purposes of stealing sensitive information or launching supply chain attacks is not a new phenomenon. Every month, hundreds of malicious packages are detected and reported by security companies. For example, Snyk vulnerability DB added hundreds of malicious npm packages every month

To ascertain the objectives of the malicious packages,I initiated the process of extracting the source codes  of the most recently 104 malicious packages listed under Snyk vulnerability DB (The list might not be the latest now as the process started at the beginning of April) , with the aim of closely examining the activities that the packages are designed to perform and how it is going to launch malicious activities.   

Key Findings from the Analysis

Upon completion of the analysis, the results were unexpected, with both positive and negative aspects that can be gleaned from the findings. The Appendix provides details about the analysis against these malicious packages, including the package name, source code and the malicious activity executed by the malicious package. Here are some primary findings drawn from the analysis.

  • Key Findings 1.  More than 95% malicious package are created for POC purposes
  • Key Findings 2:  DNS Data Exfiltration and Data Encryption are used to steal collected data
  • Key Findings 3:  Steal Discord Token and Environment variables are still key motivations for the malicious packages  
  • Key Findings 4: AI is a valuable tool to detect and analyze malicious packages.
  • Key Findings 5: 70% malicious NPM package are sending collected data over HTTPS requests
  • Key Findings 6:  99% of the malicious package are executed at install time

Key Findings 1.  More than 95% malicious package are created for POC purposes

One of the significant discoveries was that over 95% of the malicious packages were created for the sole purpose of Proof of Concept (POC) demonstration by security researchers or bug bounty hunters. 

These malicious packages analyzed were found to collect system information, including non-sensitive data such as the OS platform, hostname, username, current path, and public IP address, which do not pose immediate threats. Out of the 100 packages examined, the majority were developed for POC demonstrations. It is surprising to note that these security researchers seem to be saturating the npm registry with so many packages;  and it is unclear whether this is beneficial or detrimental for security. 

Key Findings 2:  DNS Data Exfiltration and Data Encryption are used to steal collected data

To ensure the collected data by the malicious code  is harvested by the attacker, we found the DNS data exfiltration and data encryptions are used when sending collected data to the destination target controlled by the attacker 

The use of DNS as a means for data exfiltration is becoming more common by  attackers as many security products are performing well to detect malicious activity through TCP protocols.  As observed during the analyzing, we saw a couple of dozen’s malicious packages are using DNS data exfiltration to steal sensitive data.

Another way to hide the malicious activity discovered when analyzing the malicious package is to use encryption to encrypt the collected data when sending over HTTPS requests.  

Key Findings 3:  Steal Discord Token and Environment variables are still key motivations for the malicious packages  

Based on our analysis, it has been found that the stealing of Discord tokens and sensitive environment variables (login credentials, system and network data) remains a key motivation for creating malicious packages. 

In addition to stealing Discord tokens and environment variables, the other motivations for creating and distributing malicious packages that we identified are running cryptocurrency miners or ransomware and using the packages to create botnets for use in other malicious campaigns.  

We also noted that  it is very likely for an attacker to use a combination of different methods to achieve their goals. In one of  the packages (ul-mailru) analyzed, we found the malicious package is using a nodemailer function to send email besides stealing the system environment variables.

Key Findings 4: AI is a valuable tool to detect and analyze malicious packages.

The obfuscation techniques used in NPM malicious packages can make it difficult for security researchers or software developers to read and understand the intention of the code as the obfuscated code is not really human readable. However, by using AI powered tools, like ChatGPT, to deobfuscate the codes, it was possible to accurately deobfuscate the malicious packages and quickly analyze the intentions of the codes.  I was kind of shocked to see how accurate and quick that ChatGPT could deobfuscate some malicious obfuscated packages when firstly used to analyze a malicious package (not listed in the 100 packages analyzed).

Besiding deobfuscating the packages,   I was using ChatGPT to double check the codes of the malicious packages to ensure comprehensive analysis of the malicious packages;  and the ChatGPT was able to find more data compared to the results that I analyzed. 

This highlights  the capability of using AI-powered tools like ChatGPT to assist in the detection and analysis of malicious packages.

Key Findings 5: 70% malicious NPM package are sending collected data over HTTPS requests

With more and more security products being deployed in the critical environment to monitor suspicious traffic, using HTTPS request or other TCP protocol sends sensitive data could be detected relatively easier by these security tools. 

But it is surprising to see that more than 70% of the analyzed packages are still using HTTPS requests to send collected data. Many malicious packages are using pipedream to create a webhook and deliver the collected data through it.

Key Findings 6:  99% of the malicious package are executed at install time

A noteworthy discovery is that 99% of the examined packages execute the malicious code by utilizing the “preinstall” and “install” scripts specified in the package.json file  during the package installation time. It means,  that upon running the command “npm install malicious-package” in your terminal,  the malicious code will be activated, regardless of whether you are actively using it or not after installing

Due to this specific pattern, I think it might be easy for some automation tools to use this pattern to analyze the package.json file to detect malicious packages. For developers,  checking the package.json file for suspicious scripts can help to mitigate risk of installing a malicious package.


In conclusion, here are some key takeaways from the analysis

  • As the cost of publishing a malicious npm package is really low, the threat of the malicious package continues to evolve. It is important for the NPM community to perform some proactive methods to improve the security of the NPM ecosystem. 
  • The use of sophisticated techniques, such as code obfuscation, encryption and DNS data exfiltration, employed by attackers shows the need for advanced security tools that can detect and prevent such attacks. 
  • By considering the huge amount of malicious packages published daily and the specific patterns that most malicious packages are using, integrating AI into security tools could be a good option to combat malicious packages.

However, it is important to note that the analysis only represents a tiny portion of the malicious packages published daily, and there may be many more undiscovered malicious packages in the wild. 


Package NameMalicious ActivitySource CodeNOTE
mathjs-minSteal Discord token when a user performing squrt_num operationLinkMalicious Package
w00dr0w-test 1. Perform  a combination of system and network reconnaissance
2. Send the collected data to a remote server  by using DNS lookup query after setting DNS server
cirrus-matchmaker1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URLeo6aglyemjbsegf.m.pipedream.net through HTTP request
2. Write a file in the local system
pixelstreaming-sfu1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URLeo6aglyemjbsegf.m.pipedream.net through HTTP request
2. Write a file in the local system
LinkPOCsame for cirrus-matchmaker  
usaa-select 1. Perform a combination of system and network reconnaissance to collect data
2. Send the collected data to a remote server  by using DNS lookup query to DNS server
LinkPOCsame for w00dr0w-test  
stripe-firebase-extensions1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URLeo6aglyemjbsegf.m.pipedream.net through HTTP request2. Write a file in the local systemLinkPOC same for cirrus-matchmaker  
firestore-stripe-payments 1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URLeo6aglyemjbsegf.m.pipedream.net through HTTP request
2. Write a file in the local system
LinkPOC same for cirrus-matchmaker  Same author
usaa-slider1. Perform a combination of system and network reconnaissance to collect data
2. Send the collected data to a remote server  by using DNS lookup query to DNS server
Same to the author of w00dr0w-test 
int_stripe_sfra1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URLeo6aglyemjbsegf.m.pipedream.net through HTTP request
2. Write a file in the local system
Linksame for cirrus-matchmaker  Same author
ul-mailru1. Use nodemailer library to send an email using a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server hosted on the domain  kedrns.com.
2. collect the system environment variables and sent data to eod8iy0mxruchl8.m.pipedream.net
stats-collect-components1. Collect  system information and send it to a burp endpoint through HTTP RequestLinkPOC
github-repos-searching1. Install another maliciou file  through package.json preinstall scripts `”install”: “npm install`npm get cache`;”`LinkMalicious
parallel-workers Collect system information, like hostname, DNS server, username and send the collected data to https://eot8atqciimlu9t.m.pipedream.net through HTTP Request LinkPOC

Collect system information and AWS credentials of the instance if it’s running on an EC2 instance and send it to a Burp endpoint through HTTP request
Steal environment variables and send it to a  remote host 
tiaa-web-ui-coreCollect system information such as the hostname, type, platform, architecture, release, uptime, load average, total memory, free memory, CPUs, and network interfaces and send it to a remote web server through HTTP request LinkPOC
dvf-utils Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same todvf-utils 
owa-trace 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame fo owa-trace 
owa-fabric-theme 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC Same fo owa-trace 
solc-0.8 Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOCdvf-utils
@exabyte-io/chimpy Source code:https://socket.dev/npm/package/@exabyte-io/chimpy/files/2023.3.3-3/ LinkNot Sure
owa-theme 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC Same fo owa-trace 
egstore-suspense 1. Collect System information and all the installed packages under this project 2. Send the collect information through HTTP requestLinkPOC
clientcore-base-businesslogic1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
owa-sprite1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
clientcore-onesrv-serviceclients1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace 
testenbdbank1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname and the content of /etc/passwd file 2. Send the collected data through HTTP requestLinkPOC
teams-web-part-applicationGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
clientcore-onesrv-businesslogic1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like API key. Then make an API request to pull user data. 2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
@exabyte-io/wode.jsNot clear why it is marked as maliciousLinkNOT sure
cp-react-ui-libCollect /etc/passwd and send it to a remote server through HTTP by using  preinstall scripts defined under package.jsonLinkPOC
onenote-meetingsGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOCSame to teams-web-part-application
ifabric-styling-bundleGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOCSame to teams-web-part-application
seafoam-desktopCollect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same todvf-utils 
odsp-sharedCollect system and network information and sends it to a server through HTTP requestLinkPOC
@exabyte-io/made.js Not sure why it is marked as maliciousLinkNot sure
clientcore-models-catalyst 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame to owa-trace  
clientcore-catalyst-businesslogic1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame to owa-trace  
cms-businesslogic-extensions1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame to owa-trace  
egstore-query1. Collect System information and all the installed packages under this project 2. Send the collect information through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same to egstore-suspense 
teams-calendar-web partGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
cms-businesslogic1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame to owa-trace  
npo-common 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOCSame to owa-trace  
egstore-ctx 1. Collect System information and all the installed packages under this project 2. Send the collect information through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same to egstore-suspense 
office-fluid-containerGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
globalize-bundle Gather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
cms-serviceclients 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
@clearing/models 1. Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same to def-utl
devcenter-internal-stable 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC 
Same to owa-trace  
kol-demoGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkSame to teams-web-part-application
clientcore-base-serviceclients1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC 
Same to owa-trace  
cms-ui-presentationlogic 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC 
Same to owa-trace  
cms-models 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
cms-serviceclients-extensions1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
devcenter-internal-beta1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
cms-external-datajs 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
cms-typed-promise1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
Cms-ui-views 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
sp-image-editGather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
catalog-container Gather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
follow-ebay Gather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
sp-yammer-common Gather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOC
Same to teams-web-part-application
package-private-16Run DNS query to collect a system informationLinkPOC
cms-ui-redux 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace  
owa-strings1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPoC
Same to owa-trace
core-site-speed-ebayGathering information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOCSame to teams-web-part-application
fluent-ui-react-latest 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace
sp-home-core Gather information about the system (hostname, network interfaces, system path, username, and current package) and sending it to a specified URL using an HTTP GET requestLinkPOCSame to teams-web-part-application
ts-infra-common 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace
React-advanced-breadcrumbs 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace
cyclotron-svcCollect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same todvf-utils 
React-screen-reader-announce 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace
canopy-common-fo 1.Collect System information and use the environment variable, like IP address, hostname2. Send the stolen data using dns lookup with data exfiltrationLinkPOC
Same to owa-trace
ing-feat-customer-video Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same todvf-utils 
ing-feat-chat-components Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
Same todvf-utils 
commerce-sdk-reactCollect System information and encrypt it; Send it to a remote server with HTTP requestCreate a local file.LinkPOC
internal-lib-buildCollect System information and encrypt it; Send it to a remote server with HTTP requestCreate a local file.LinkPOC
Same to  commerce-sdk-react 
woofmd-to-bemjsonCollect system information by using preinstall command under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
@geocomponents/reducers  Collect the system information and send it to the specified URL through HTTP requestLinkPOC
rimg-shopifyCollect System and network information. Encrypt the collected information and sent it through HTTP request
postcss-file-matchCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
yandex-netCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
branch-to-cmsg Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
yappy_tsCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
taxi-localizationCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
staff-wwwCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command  defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
hermione-login-pluginCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
tools-access-lego Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
express-tvm-nodejs4Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
y-font-decoderCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
lego-stuff Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
express-yandex-send-limit Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
borschik-webp-internalCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
supchat-pluginsCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
bemhint.i18n Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
yandex-cssformat Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
portal-node-loggerCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
toolbox-bem-bundleCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
y-dotCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match
yandex-bro-embedded-site-apiCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
tanker-ts-i18nCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
fiji-svg-spriteCollect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file 
Same to postcss-file-match 
karma-jasmine-i-global Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOCSame to postcss-file-match 
yandex-logger-std Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 
pdb-uatraits Collect system information and send it through a HTTP request by using preinstall command defined under package.json file LinkPOC
Same to postcss-file-match 

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